Anna University CGPA to Percentage 2013 Regulation


Regulation 2013 1st semester CGPA calculator for Anna University.

Using our CGPA calculator, you can calculate the Anna University CGPA easily. Credit points are assigned to each subject in the first semester.

For the first semester of regulation 2013, we have prepared a Anna University CGPA calculator.

You can read here the official Anna University CGPA to Percentage 2013 Regulation

                         ∑ Ci GPi
GPA / CGPA = ——————–
                           ∑ Ci
where Ci is the number of credits assigned to the course
GPI is the point corresponding to the grade obtained for each course
n is the number of all courses successfully cleared during the particular semester in
the case of GPA and during all the semesters in the case of CGPA

Letter grade Grade Points Marks Range

Letter grade Grade Points Marks Range
S 10 91 100
A 9 81 90
B 8 71 80
C 7 61 70
D 6 57 60
E 5 50 56
U 0 < 50
W 0 (or ≥ 50 but not satisfying clause 13.1)


A student is deemed to have passed and acquired the corresponding credits in a particular course if he/she obtains any one of the following grades: “S”, “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”,“E”.

‘SA’ denotes shortage of attendance (as per clause 6.3) and hence prevention from writing the end semester examination. ‘SA’ will appear only in the result sheet.

U denotes Reappearance (RA) is required for the examination in the course. “W” denotes withdrawal from the exam for the particular course. (The grades U and W will figure both in Marks Sheet as well as in Result Sheet)

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