How to Convert CGPA into Percentage in Pune University

How to Convert CGPA Into Percentage in Pune University

This week, we’re going to discuss how to calculate a Pune University Percentage using a CGPA.

The articles also discuss Pune University Percentage Calculator, Pune University GPA Calculator, Pune University CGPA Calculator, Pune University GPA Calculator, Pune University CGPA to GPA Conversion and Pune University Percentage to Grade Calculator.

Pune University Percentage Calculator

A Pune University grade percentage calculator can be used to convert grade points into percentage marks, and vice versa. Pune University Grade Percentage Calculator works on the basis of a simple calculation process.

How to Calculate Pune University Percentage from CGPA?

You can calculate Pune University Percentage from your CGPA using the following formula

This can be calculated easily from the report card of Pune University.

Grades for all five main classes are added together. The following example demonstrates how your grade points would appear if:

  1. Subject A – 10
  2. Subject B – 8
  3. Subject C – 6
  4. Subject D – 9
  5. Subject E – 8

Grade points – 10+8+6+9+8 = 40 Add these grades together

Division by 5 is step 2

Accordingly, your CGPA is as follows: 41/5 = 8.2

You may now wonder how you can calculate your percentage from your CGPA.

By multiplying the CGPA with 9.5, we can obtain the CGPA.

The percentile would therefore be 77.9% if CGPA is 8.2.

For the Calculation of Percentage from CGPA following equation can be used.

If 0 grade then 20 X CGPA -100
If A+ grade then 12 X CGPA -25
If A grade then 10 X CGPA -7.5
If B+ grade then 5 X CGPA +26.25
If B grade then 10 X CGPA -2.5
If C grade then 10 X CGPA -2.50
If D grade then 6.6 X CGPA +13.6

By using the above equation students can calculate their CGPA To Percentage easily.
Pune University CGPA to Percentage Conversion Read Here 2020 Regulation

How to Calculate Pune University Percentage from Grade?

The following table illustrates how to calculate Pune University Percentage to Grade. Pune University has a Grade Percentage Calculator that students can use to instantly compute their grades.

Grade Grade
Percentage of
O 10 90 To 100 Outstanding
A 9 80 To 89 Very Good
B 8 70 To 79 Good
C 7 60 To 69 Fair
D 6 50 To 59 Average
E 5 40 To 49 Below Average
F 0 Below 40 Fail
AP 0 Passed Audit Course
FX 0 Detained, Repeat the Course
II 0 Incomplete — Absent for Exam but continue
for the course
PP Passed (Only for non-credit courses)
NP Not Passed (Only for non-credit courses)

Passing Grade –The grades O, A, B, C, D, E are passing grades. A candidate acquiring any one of these grades in a course shall be declared a pass. Read Hear CGPA Conversion Rules Pune University.


The following steps should be followed if you use the 4.0 grading scale system at your university:

Consider the case of a student named Suman who earns three grade points according to the 4.0 system. Using this formula, you can then calculate Suman’s percentage by multiplying her grade point average by 25.

Under the 4.0 Grading Scale, the formula for converting GPA to percent is given below

In grades under 4.0, grade point multiplied by 25 equals a percentage under 4.0

Example: Summan’s percentage = 3 x 25 = 75%

Calculate your GPA to percentage based on the 5.0 grading scale

The following steps need to be followed for calculating percentages if your university uses a 5.0 grading scale:

Let’s assume Suresh is an individual, who earns a grade point of 3 on a 5.0 scale. Therefore, Suresh’s percent can be calculated by simply multiplying his grade point average by 20.

Under 5.0, GPAs and percentages can be converted

Grade Point * 20 = Percentage of students under 5.0

Example: Suresh’s percentage is equal to 3 x 20 = 60%

10 point grading scale gpa calculator

Following are the steps you need to take if your university uses the 10-grade system:

For example: Let’s suppose there is a student named Ravi who scores 8-grade points under the 10 scale system.

Thus, Ravi’s percentage can be calculated simply by multiplying his grade point value by 0.

Under a 10-point grading scale, formula for converting GPA to percent

The percentage of students under the 10th grade is equal to the grade point multiplied by 10.

Eg. Ravi’s percentage = 8 * 10 = 80%

** The question now is: how do you calculate your grade point average by dividing it by percentage?

4 Grading System GPA To Percentage Calculator: Percentage/25

5 Grading System GPA To Percentage Calculator: Percentage/20

10 Grading System GPA To Percentage Calculator: Percentage/10

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